PrettyNumber – A jQuery Plugin for Formatting Numbers

Here’s a jQuery plugin that transforms a number into a human readable format. This plugin formats a number like 23454321234 into 23.454.321.234 . You can use different delimiters like the […]

Here’s a jQuery plugin that transforms a number into a human readable format. This plugin formats a number like 23454321234 into 23.454.321.234 . You can use different delimiters like the comma, dot, space or anything you specify in the plugin.

Here are some examples of how to call the plugin:

<div id="number1">1234567123672</div>
<div id="number2">12345622237123672</div>


//it would output 1.234.567.123.672


delimiter : ','
//it would output 12,345,622,237,123,672

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Cody loves jQuery - he puts the magic into every web application. He is crazy about Curry dishes.

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